
Residential: interior / wall decoration, beautification projects, etc.

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  1. Durability, no shrinkage: Abrasion-resistance and no shrinkage. Made of vinyl films laminating reinforced fabrics.
  2. Elegance: The patterns with exquisite texture and color are developed by professional designers and precisely graphed by computers, enhancing the value of space.
  3. Easy maintenance: It could be cleaned with water, detergent, and alcohol.

For Public Spaces

  1. Made of Nan Ya PVC films laminating reinforced fabrics.
  2. Pass U.S. ASTM E-84 fire retardant standard.
  3. The major use is for wall decoration. It is fire-retardant, abrasion-resistant, and no shrinkage.
  4. Learn more


The major use is for wall decoration.

  1. Residence: Building interior and wall decoration, beautification projects, etc.
  2. Public spaces: Office building, hospital, hotel, restaurant, motel, KTV, entertainment place and so forth.
  3. Learn more

Interior Decorating

Developing over 1000 designs. Meet fire retardant standards.
